
Taiwan’s labor bureau to start subsidy distribution Tuesday

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/19 13:55
Last update time:2024/08/19 14:05
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Taiwan’s labor bureau to start subsidy distribution Tuesday (Shutterstock) Taiwan’s labor bureau to start subsidy distribution Tuesday
Taiwan's labor bureau to start subsidy distribution Tuesday (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Bureau of Labor Insurance under the Ministry of Labor (MOL) will begin distributing 15 subsidies, including the highly claimed Labor Pension Annuity Insurance (勞保年金), starting from Tuesday (Aug. 20), with each recipient of the Labor Pension Annuity Insurance expected to receive an average of NT$18,675.

This distribution also includes Maternity Benefits of National Pension Insurance (國民年金保險生育給付) and Old-Age Basic Guaranteed Pension Payments of National Pension Insurance (老年基本保證年金).


On Aug. 29, the most claimed Labor Pension Annuity Insurance will be deposited, along with occupational pension payments and monthly retirement pensions. The bureau reported that the number of Labor Pension Annuity Insurance claimants reached 1.85 million in May 2024, with a total disbursement of NT$34.68 billion.

Following the implementation of the new Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法) on Aug. 2, the Bureau of Labor Insurance reminded the public that the "Age of Mandatory Retirement" (強制退休年齡) can be negotiated between employers and employees. Workers aged 65 and above can continue their labor insurance coverage if they remain employed.

The Maternity Benefits of National Pension Insurance will also be issued based on the insured amount during the month of childbirth or premature birth, with a one-time payout equivalent to two months of benefits.

For multiple births, the payout will increase proportionally. The payout dates in August are the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.

The Bureau of Labor Insurance urges eligible individuals to check their accounts through online banking or by updating their passbooks on the distribution dates.


Taiwan Affairs

#Labor Pension Annuity Insurance# Maternity Benefits# National Pension Insurance# Old-Age Pension# Labor Standards Act# Mandatory Retirement Age# Labor Insurance# Labor Pension claimants# Labor Insurance coverage continuation
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