
NTNU backs Tang Chia-hung in career and studies

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/06 16:58
Last update time:2024/08/06 17:14
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NTNU backs Tang Chia-hung in career and studies (TVBS News) NTNU backs Tang Chia-hung in career and studies
NTNU backs Tang Chia-hung in career and studies (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News)—National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU, 國立台灣師範大學) announced on Tuesday (Aug. 6) its full support for gymnast Tang Chia-hung (唐嘉鴻) in his future academic and professional endeavors. Tang won a bronze medal in the Men's Horizontal Bar at the Olympics a day earlier.

NTNU highlighted Tang's extensive competition experience and exceptional gymnastics skills, noting these attributes will serve as valuable resources for training the next generation of athletes. The university emphasized that if Tang chooses to teach after graduation, he can pass on his professional knowledge and experience, inspiring more students.


Tang, a doctoral student in NTNU's Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (體育與運動科學系), faced a significant setback a year ago since an Achilles tendon rupture forced him to leave gymnastics temporarily. However, with the unwavering support of his family, coaches, sports science team, and medical team, Tang recovered and made a triumphant return to the competition, securing the bronze medal.

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#Olympics gymnastics# Tang Chia-hung# NTNU# sports science# athletic training# gymnastics medal# physical education# Olympic bronze medalist# gymnastics comeback story# academic support for athletes
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