
Chinese pressure suspected in visa policy changes for Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/06 15:31
Last update time:2024/08/06 15:46
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Chinese pressure suspected in visa policy changes for Taiwan (TPG PHOTO) Chinese pressure suspected in visa policy changes for Taiwan
Chinese pressure suspected in visa policy changes for Taiwan (TPG PHOTO)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — On Tuesday (Aug. 6), Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA, 外交部) attributed Taiwan's removal from five countries' visa-free entry lists to varying circumstances, but did not rule out the possibility of pressure from China.

The National Audit Office's (審計部) 2024 report shows that the number of countries offering visa-free entry to Taiwanese citizens dropped from 171 to 166 between late last year and April 2024. MOFA clarified that as of April 12, Nauru, Kiribati, and Gambia have removed Taiwan from their visa-free entry lists, while Liberia, Cameroon, and Togo have eliminated Taiwan's visa-on-arrival options. However, Zimbabwe has introduced an e-visa for Taiwanese travelers.


The ministry also highlighted that, from 2019 to 2023, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, and Russia began offering e-visas to Taiwanese citizens. Additionally, Antigua and Barbuda, and Thailand granted Taiwan visa-free entry.

MOFA emphasized its ongoing efforts to negotiate with foreign embassies to ensure the convenience of Taiwanese citizens traveling or conducting business abroad. 


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan visa-free entry#e-visa Taiwan#MOFA Taiwan#Taiwanese travelers#visa policy Taiwan#international travel#diplomatic relations#Taiwanese visa changes 2023#countries offering e-visa to Taiwan#Taiwan MOFA visa negotiations
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