
Typhoon Gaemi hits Yilan, causing severe floods, evacuations

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/25 11:15
Last update time:2024/07/25 11:21
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Typhoon Gaemi hits Yilan, causing severe floods, evacuations (TVBS News) Typhoon Gaemi hits Yilan, causing severe floods, evacuations
Typhoon Gaemi hits Yilan, causing severe floods, evacuations (TVBS News)

YILAN (TVBS News) — Typhoon Gaemi made landfall near Yilan County's Nan'ao Township early Thursday (July 25), unleashing strong winds and heavy rainfall that caused severe flooding across Yilan. The storm forced some residents to seek refuge on rooftops as waters flooded their homes.

Flooding reached critical levels, with water inside homes rising to 1.5 meters. Residents in Qixian Village, Yuanshan Township (員山鄉七賢村), reported waterlogged warehouses and floating gas cylinders. One resident, Chiang (江), recounted the dire situation, stating that the power went out and the whole family had to escape to the rooftop.


Videos uploaded by online users show roads in the Nanshan Tribe in Datong Township (大同南山部落) transformed into rivers of mud and debris, with water tanks floating by.

The Water Resources Agency, local village chiefs, and the Yilan Fire Bureau have worked tirelessly to mitigate the disaster. 

Yilan County's emergency operation center received reports of waist-deep flooding on Qingzhou 2nd Rd., Sanxing Township at 8 p.m. on Wednesday. The fire bureau deployed rubber boats to rescue 11 trapped residents by 9:44 p.m., ensuring their safety and providing necessary supplies.

Flooding persisted into Thursday morning, submerging farmlands and making roads impassable. Rising waters in the Lanyang River added to the chaos.

County Commissioner Lin Zi-miao (林姿妙) urged residents to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary, reassuring them that emergency services remain on high alert and ready to assist those in need.

Taiwan Affairs

#Typhoon Gaemi# Yilan flooding# emergency operation# waterlogged homes# flood rescue# heavy rainfall# rising waters# Yilan County Typhoon Gaemi damage# flooding in Yilan County Taiwan# emergency services during Yilan flood
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