
Taipei ramps up inspections amid daycare abuse scandal

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/15 14:14
Last update time:2024/07/15 18:28
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Taipei ramps up inspections amid daycare abuse scandal (TVBS News) Taipei ramps up inspections amid daycare abuse scandal
Taipei ramps up inspections amid daycare abuse scandal (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) announced on Monday (July 15) that the city will enhance inspections to prevent a former kindergarten principal whose son was allegedly accused of sexually assaulting young girls from reopening under a different name.

Chiang's statement came after allegations against the principal's son, who also taught at a private kindergarten in Taipei.


Authorities accused the principal's son of sexually assaulting young girls. Parents of at least 20 girls reported the incidents, leading to the seizure of numerous illicit videos.

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Taipei City Councilor Hsu Shu-hua (許淑華) pointed out that the principal, the mother of the accused teacher, might have reopened the daycare center under a different name. Mayor Chiang confirmed that the Department of Social Welfare has teamed up with the police and the Department of Education to conduct surprise inspections and assist parents in relocating their children.

Mayor Chiang emphasized the need for legal reforms, suggesting that Taipei could collaborate with the central government to address issues managing daycare centers for children.

He highlighted that upon receiving the report for the first time in July 2022, the two departments reviewed surveillance footage and involved the police. However, the investigation concluded without charges.

In response to the second report in July 2023, the Taipei City Government revoked the kindergarten's license, imposed lifetime teaching bans on the perpetrator, and levied the maximum legal penalties. Local authorities also convened interdepartmental meetings to propose legal amendments to ensure child protection.

Mayor Chiang's administration remains committed to safeguarding children's welfare, and urges the central government to consider stricter regulations.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Mayor# kindergarten scandal# sexual assault# child protection# legal reforms# daycare inspections# teaching bans# preventing daycare fraud# Taipei child welfare initiatives# enhanced child safety measures
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