
Irish senators visit Taiwan to boost diplomatic ties

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/15 11:38
Last update time:2024/07/15 15:33
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Irish senators visit Taiwan to boost diplomatic ties (Courtesy of MOFA) Irish senators visit Taiwan to boost diplomatic ties
Irish senators visit Taiwan to boost diplomatic ties (Courtesy of MOFA)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Five Irish senators arrived in Taiwan last Sunday (July 14) for a six-day visit to strengthen diplomatic ties and support Taiwan's international participation. The delegation, led by Senate Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Vice Chair Diarmuid Wilson (威爾森), includes senators Gerard Craughwell (克勞威爾), Gerry Horkan (霍爾肯), Sharon Keogan (基奧根), and Garret Ahearn (埃赫恩).

During their visit, the delegation will meet with Vice President Bi-khim Hsiao (蕭美琴), Legislative Yuan Deputy Speaker Chiang Chi-chen (江啟臣), Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍), and Mainland Affairs Council Deputy Minister Shen Yu-chung (沈有忠).


The delegation will also visit the National Housing and Urban Regeneration Center (國家住宅及都市更新中心), and attend a banquet hosted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vice Minister Remus Li-Kuo Chen (陳立國).

In addition to official meetings, the senators will tour Taipei 101, Dadaocheng (大稻埕), and Jiaoxi (礁溪) in Yilan to experience Taiwan's natural beauty and cultural heritage. This visit marks Wilson's third trip to Taiwan, highlighting his ongoing support for Taiwan's participation in international organizations, such as the World Health Assembly (WHA).

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan diplomacy#Irish senators#Taipei 101#Taiwan international participation#World Health Assembly#Taiwan cultural heritage#Taiwan natural beauty#Irish delegation visit Taiwan#Taiwan and Ireland relations#support for Taiwan’s international role
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