
New Taipei breaks ground on Da Chen Urban Renewal Project

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/12 17:21
Last update time:2024/07/12 18:03
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New Taipei breaks ground on Da Chen Urban Renewal Project (TVBS News) New Taipei breaks ground on Da Chen Urban Renewal Project
New Taipei breaks ground on Da Chen Urban Renewal Project (TVBS News)

NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — New Taipei City officials held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Da Chen Urban Renewal Project Unit 3 (大陳都更案單元3) in Yonghe District (永和區) on Friday (July 12), aiming for completion by 2028. Residents expressed relief, citing structural instability and concerns during earthquakes as reasons they eagerly await their new homes.

The New Taipei City Urban Redevelopment Office (新北市都更處) highlighted the "Dangerous Buildings 580 Project" (危險建物580專案計畫), which aims to replicate Da Chen's success across other at-risk structures. The New Taipei City Housing and Urban Regeneration Center (新北住都中心) reported that since the project's approval in November 2023, staff have assisted 252 households with relocation and maintaining community safety.


Residents, including Ms. Li and Mr. Lin, shared their experiences. Ms. Li stated that many elderly residents struggle with stairs, making new homes necessary. Mr. Lin added that the old homes are so unstable that every earthquake causes tiles to fall and walls to crack.

The office assured that the city provides rental subsidies to assist residents in finding temporary housing during construction. Officials emphasized that the Da Chen project demonstrates the importance of thorough evaluation and transparent communication, which boosts residents' trust. They hope the "Dangerous Buildings 580 Project" will accelerate the reconstruction of hazardous buildings with community consensus.

Residents look forward to moving into their new homes, with the city aiming to use this project as a model for future urban renewal efforts. The commitment to safety and improved living conditions marks a significant step forward for Yonghe District.

Taiwan Affairs

#urban renewal#New Taipei City#Yonghe District#housing subsidies#earthquake safety#relocation assistance#construction projects#Da Chen Urban Renewal Project#New Taipei City Dangerous Buildings 580 Project#temporary housing during construction Yonghe
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