
Legislators slam gender pay gap in Taiwan basketball

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/11 17:23
Last update time:2024/07/11 17:59
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Legislators slam gender pay gap in Taiwan basketball (Courtesy of Flight International Co.) Legislators slam gender pay gap in Taiwan basketball
Legislators slam gender pay gap in Taiwan basketball (Courtesy of Flight International Co.)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Legislators criticized the Chinese Taipei Basketball Association (CTBA, 中華民國籃球協會) on Thursday (July 11) for the disparity in appearance fees between male and female players in the Jones Cup (瓊斯盃). Male players receive NT$5,000 per game, while female players get NT$3,000, sparking a heated debate in the Legislative Yuan.

During the Education and Culture Committee (教育及文化委員會) meeting, Political Deputy Minister Chang Liao Wan-chien (張廖萬堅) emphasized the need for gender equality in sports. He expressed regret over the issue and warned that future discrepancies could result in reduced subsidies.


Following the criticism, the CTBA announced it would offer an additional NT$2,000 "incentive bonus" to female players, making their total earnings equal to male players. However, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, 民進黨) legislator Chen Hsiu-pao (陳秀寳) questioned whether this approach truly addressed gender inequality.

Kuomintang (KMT, 國民黨) legislators Hung Mong-kai (洪孟楷) and Wan Mei-ling (萬美玲) also criticized the association's response. Wan demanded the Ministry of Education submit a review report within a month.

Chang Liao Wan-chien condemned the use of the term "incentive bonus" as discriminatory. He stated that all sports associations must adopt consistent gender policies, warning that non-compliance could lead to financial penalties. The debate highlights the ongoing struggle for gender equality in Taiwan's sports industry.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei basketball# Jones Cup# gender equality# CTBA# Taiwan sports# legislative yuan# DPP# gender pay gap in sports# Taiwanese female basketball players# gender equality in Taiwan sports
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