
Taiwan to proceed with nuclear plant shutdown amid debates

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/11 16:12
Last update time:2024/07/11 16:31
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Taiwan to proceed with nuclear plant shutdown amid debates (TVBS News) Taiwan to proceed with nuclear plant shutdown amid debates
Taiwan to proceed with nuclear plant shutdown amid debates (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News)—The Executive Yuan (行政院) reaffirmed its stance on nuclear power development Thursday (July 11) and added that, as the Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant's Unit 1 reactor's operating license expires at the end of the month, the decommission will proceed as scheduled, even if legislative changes occur.

The Legislative Yuan's Education and Culture Committee (立法院教育及文化委員會) reviewed an amendment draft hoping to relax the regulations on license renewal for nuclear power units the previous day but postponed further discussion due to a lack of consensus.


Executive Yuan spokesman Chen Shih-kai (陳世凱) stated that though there are many discussions in society about nuclear power, the government's stance is clear: only under the conditions of resolving nuclear waste issues, ensuring nuclear safety, and achieving social consensus will other topics be discussed.

Chen explained that even after the decommissioning of the Chinshan and Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plants, fuel rods remain in the reactors, necessitating dry storage facilities for proper storage. He acknowledged challenges, noting that more communication is needed with local governments and residents.

He added that the government will continue to strive for diversified green energy development and carbon reduction as part of the second energy transition.


Taiwan Affairs

#nuclear power# Taiwan energy# green energy# carbon reduction# nuclear safety# energy transition# nuclear decommission# nuclear power plant decommission# Taiwan nuclear power stance# diversified green energy development
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