
NSC demands higher safety for nuclear unit renewals

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/10 15:35
Last update time:2024/07/10 18:04
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NSC demands higher safety for nuclear unit renewals (TVBS News) NSC demands higher safety for nuclear unit renewals
NSC demands higher safety for nuclear unit renewals (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC, 核能安全委員會) on Wednesday (July 10) stated that nuclear power units will only be granted license renewal if they meet the safety requirements for continued operation.

The Education and Culture Committee (教育及文化委員會) of the Legislative Yuan reviewed draft amendments to Article 6 of the Nuclear Reactor Facilities Regulation Act (核子反應器設施管制法) on Wednesday, sparking discussions on nuclear safety.


Chen Tung-yang (陳東陽), chairman of the NSC, emphasized that only units meeting safety requirements for continued operation and natural disaster protection will receive renewed licenses. He explained that the safe operation of nuclear power plants relies on professional evaluations and comprehensive safety reviews for license renewal, and there is no simplified judgment process. Chen also highlighted the importance of clear legal provisions for license renewals, considering nuclear safety and public interest.

Given Taiwan's frequent earthquakes and typhoons, Chen stressed the need for stringent measures to protect nuclear plants from natural disasters. He estimated that the review process for nuclear units could take 3 to 5 years, depending on the completeness of the evaluation data, response time to review opinions, and the status of individual units.

Taiwan Affairs

#nuclear safety# Taiwan# nuclear power# license renewal# natural disasters# safety requirements# nuclear plants# nuclear safety regulations in Taiwan# nuclear power plant license renewal# protecting nuclear plants from disasters
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