
Yunlin County steps up bird flu fight amid outbreaks

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/08 16:48
Last update time:2024/07/08 17:26
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Avian flu prompts biosecurity push (Picture for illustration purposes only/ TVBS News) Yunlin County steps up bird flu fight amid outbreaks
Avian flu prompts biosecurity push (Picture for illustration purposes only/ TVBS News)

YUNLIN (TVBS News) — The Animal and Plant Disease Control Center of Yunlin County (雲林縣動植物防疫所) on Monday (July 8) urged poultry farmers to enhance biosecurity measures due to the indirect effects of high temperatures and humidity on poultry immunity. Authorities aim to prevent the spread of avian influenza following recent outbreaks.

The center reported receiving notifications of suspected avian flu infections at two broiler farms in Dounan Township (斗南) on June 29. Disease control personnel promptly collected samples, and on July 3, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency (動植物防疫檢疫署) confirmed the H5N1 cases. The center carried out the culling of over 40,000 chickens on July 4, followed by comprehensive cleaning and disinfection. Additionally, sampling and monitoring were initiated within a 1-kilometer radius.


Chen Chien-tang (陳建棠), a technical specialist at the center, noted that recent climate variations and high temperatures have indirectly caused poultry immunity issues, leading to avian flu cases. He reported that Yunlin County has confirmed 19 cases this year, resulting in the culling of over 186,000 chickens, ducks, and geese.

Chen called on poultry farmers to implement stringent biosecurity and disease prevention measures. He emphasized the importance of reporting abnormal poultry deaths to local authorities to prevent further outbreaks.

Taiwan Affairs

#avian influenza# poultry farming# biosecurity measures# H5N1 virus# Yunlin County# disease control# poultry immunity# avian flu outbreak prevention# high temperatures affect poultry# reporting abnormal poultry deaths


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