
Companies embrace well-being with team-building activities

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2024/07/08 16:39
Last update time:2024/07/08 16:39
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Labor (MOL) has intensified efforts to support workers' mental health since 2015, providing counseling services that have helped 1,300 individuals by the end of 2023. 

Workers are eligible for six free sessions annually. The ministry noted an increasing number of users of this service, with workers primarily seeking counseling for workplace bullying and psychological adjustment.


Counseling psychologist Yeh Pei-chen compared counseling to taking cold medicine when people are sick. He said he believes everyone has the right to receive the help they need when they are in a physical or mental condition.

"I think this is a win-win situation for employees, the company, and even society," Yeh said.

Many companies are also paying more attention to employee well-being. Some organize regular team-building activities like yoga classes, dinners, and trips.

Trantor Liu, the founder of Cake, a global talent platform, pointed out that flatter organizations could break down hierarchical communication barriers, improving communication in the workplace. 

"The work culture in Taiwan makes it difficult to encourage people to speak their minds, especially to their supervisors or bosses, about the situation they are encountering or mental problems," Liu said.

As the pressure of work and labor affects the body and mind, which could lead to poor work performance and mental health issues, workers must relieve stress and seek help in a timely manner.
#mental health#workplace bullying#counseling services#employee well-being#team-building activities#work culture#stress relief#free counseling sessions#improving communication in the workplace#support for workers’ mental health


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