
Chinese tour group to visit Matsu despite travel warning

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/28 11:08
Last update time:2024/06/28 13:45
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Chinese tour group to visit Matsu despite travel warning (TVBS News) Chinese tour group to visit Matsu despite travel warning
Chinese tour group to visit Matsu despite travel warning (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Despite a heightened travel advisory for China by Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council (MAC), a Chinese tour group from Fujian province is still expected to visit Matsu, Lienchiang County, on Thursday (June 27), according to the Lienchiang County Government.

The travel industry views this visit as a positive signal, indicating that China is still open to exchanges.


Travel Advisory Amid Political Tensions
The MAC escalated its travel advisory to China on the same day, raising concerns about the impact on the Fujian tourism industry's visit to Matsu on June 29.

The move comes after China recently announced "22 measures to punish Taiwan independence activists," (懲治台獨22條) posing a severe threat to the safety of Taiwanese traveling to China, Hong Kong, and Macau. The MAC has suggested that citizens avoid non-essential travel to these areas.

Expected Visit Despite Concerns
Originally scheduled for June 10 to 12, the Chinese tour group's visit to Matsu was postponed due to significant events in Fuzhou during the Dragon Boat Festival. The new date was only recently confirmed for June 29.

The Lienchiang County Government confirmed that the tour group, consisting of 22 people, would depart from Fuzhou, Fujian province, and stay in Matsu for three days, visiting Nangan and Beigan. The itinerary aligns with the guidelines set by the Tourism Bureau and the MAC.

Lienchiang County Magistrate Wang Chung-ming (王忠銘) stated that a press conference would be held at the Matsu National Scenic Area Headquarters for further clarification.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan travel advisory# Fujian tourism# Matsu visit# China travel restrictions# Taiwan China tensions# Lienchiang County# Chinese tour group# travel advisory amid political tensions# impact on Fujian tourism industry# safety of Taiwanese citizens
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