
Chinese man defects to Taiwan, arrested upon arrival

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/11 12:05
Last update time:2024/06/11 12:25
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Premier Cho Jung-tai (TVBS News) Chinese man defects to Taiwan, arrested upon arrival
Premier Cho Jung-tai (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A 60-year-old man from China, surnamed Ruan, made headlines after he navigated a boat directly into the Tamsui River on June 9, declaring his intention to defect to the Republic of China (中華民國). The incident, which ended with Ruan's arrest by the Coast Guard and subsequent handover to the prosecutors for investigation, has prompted a stern response from Taiwan's government.

Government Response

Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) announced on Tuesday (June 11) that both judicial and administrative investigations have been initiated to ascertain responsibilities and enforce necessary disciplinary actions. He emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, "The government and all national security units are paying close attention to this incident." Cho's directive to the national security team to bolster all protective measures underscores the urgency of addressing any potential lapses in national security.


Strengthening Security Measures

Cho further highlighted the government's commitment to national security by ensuring that law enforcement personnel are fully equipped to defend the nation's safety. Cho stated that future reviews will address personnel shortages by adding staff and updating equipment as needed, ensuring law enforcement is fully equipped to protect national security.

This incident has not only raised concerns among the public but also triggered a comprehensive review of Taiwan's security protocols, with Cho assuring that no effort will be spared in safeguarding the nation against any threats.

Taiwan Affairs

#Republic of China#Taiwan#Premier Cho Jung-tai#Tamsui River#national security#protective measures#disciplinary actions
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