
Taiwan updates power demand forecast for AI surge

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/29 17:48
Last update time:2024/05/30 14:56
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Taiwan updates power demand forecast for AI surge (Shutterstock) Taiwan updates power demand forecast for AI surge
Taiwan updates power demand forecast for AI surge (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As Taiwan braces for the artificial intelligence (AI) era, Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs Lin Chuan-neng (林全能) said on Wednesday (May 29) that the annual electricity demand assessment now includes the needs of AI and the semiconductor industry, projecting an annual growth rate exceeding 3%.

During a session convened by the Legislative Yuan's Education and Culture Committee, Lin, alongside Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC) Chairperson Chen Tung-yang (陳東陽), discussed global nuclear power trends and the status of extending the life of Taiwan's nuclear power plants.


Addressing Future Energy Needs
Kuomintang Legislator Hung Meng-kai (洪孟楷) raised concerns about the Ministry of Economic Affairs' forecast for future electricity demand, especially under the competitive pressures of AI and computing over the next three to five years.

Lin confirmed that the annual electricity demand assessments have factored in the needs of AI and semiconductors in recent years, with an average yearly increase of 2.7%. With AI included, this increase is expected to surpass 3%.

Hung highlighted the challenges of meeting Taiwan's electricity demand over the next decade, especially if the 6.2% nuclear power contribution is phased out by 2025 and renewable energy fails to reach a 20% share. He questioned whether renewable energy could achieve a 30% growth within the next ten years, given that constructing new thermal power plants takes six years.

In response, Lin stated that the government plans to rely on clean natural gas and renewable energy as the primary sources of increased electricity supply.

Minister of Economic Affairs J.W. Kuo (郭智輝) has directed the Energy Administration to use stringent scenarios to forecast future electricity demand, ensuring sufficient development of power sources to meet industrial needs.

This strategic focus on clean and renewable energy sources, alongside rigorous demand forecasting, highlights Taiwan's commitment to sustaining its technological and industrial growth while addressing environmental concerns.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan AI# semiconductor industry# electricity demand# nuclear power# renewable energy# energy needs# clean energy# Taiwan electricity demand growth# renewable energy growth in Taiwan# future of nuclear power in Taiwan


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