
TAO: Taiwanese artists’ pro-China stance genuine

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/29 14:20
Last update time:2024/05/29 14:20
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TAO: Taiwanese artists’ pro-China stance genuine (TVBS News archive) TAO: Taiwanese artists’ pro-China stance genuine
TAO: Taiwanese artists' pro-China stance genuine (TVBS News archive)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Zhu Fenglian, the spokesperson for China's Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO), stated on Wednesday (May 29) that Taiwanese artists' recent sharing of China Central Television's (CCTV) pro-China posts is a "natural and genuine expression of their feelings."

Zhu criticized the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for creating a "green terror," which has made many Taiwanese afraid to express their true thoughts.


Cross-Strait Relations Under Scrutiny
Zhu accused the DPP of deliberately creating cross-strait antagonism for political gain, leading to the suppression and slander of Taiwanese entertainers.

She highlighted that nearly a hundred Taiwanese artists have shown their stance on cross-strait relations and their identification with the Chinese identity through various means, including sharing unification posters and discussing their ancestral origins.

Artists including Ouyang Nana, Patty Hou, and Angela Chang have shared CCTV's post, showing their support for cross-strait unification.

Support for Cultural Exchange
Zhu emphasized the TAO's support for Taiwanese artists participating in performances in China to promote the prosperity of the cross-strait cultural market and emotional resonance among compatriots. She also extended a warm welcome to Taiwanese youth to experience life in China by attending performance events.

The TAO's statements and the actions of Taiwanese artists reflect the complex dynamics of cross-strait relations and the influence of cultural exchanges in shaping public opinion and identity. As the dialogue continues, the impact on the entertainment industry and broader cross-strait relations remains a focal point of interest.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Affairs Office#Zhu Fenglian#China Central Television#CCTV#Taiwanese artists#cross-strait#Democratic Progressive Party#China#entertainment industry#cross-strait relations


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