
Legislature proceeds with third reading of reform bills

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/28 18:16
Last update time:2024/05/28 18:16
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Legislative Yuan convened again on Tuesday (May 28), 11 days after the first clash between the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People's Party (TPP), and the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). The opposition aims to push through a controversial parliamentary reform bill for its third reading, sparking debates and anticipation across the political spectrum.

The proposed reforms, which passed their second reading last week, include a requirement for the President to answer legislators' questions following the State of the Nation address. Additionally, the bill calls for a contempt of Congress provision, voting on appointments or supervisory personnel assignments, and granting the Legislative Yuan the power to conduct investigations and hearings. 


If passed, the Executive Yuan would have the option to return the bill to the Legislative Yuan for a second review, provided it does so within 10 days with presidential approval.

Opponents of the bill have the option to seek a constitutional interpretation or propose a referendum, requiring the support of at least 29 legislators, a quarter of the Legislative Yuan. 

If the bill fails to pass its third reading, the process will be paused until the new Premier, Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰), addresses the Legislative Yuan on Friday (May 31). The current legislative session has been extended until July 16. 

Cho has expressed a desire for a peaceful consensus between the executive and legislative branches and has asked protesters to refrain from gathering as a gesture of goodwill. 

However, his comments have faced criticism, interpreted by some as a direct deterrent to the growing "Blue Bird Movement." 

As supporters and protesters gather, all eyes are on the legislators' vote, with hopes for a resolution that bridges Taiwan's political divides.

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#Taiwan politics#Legislative Yuan#parliamentary reform#Democratic Progressive Party#Kuomintang#Taiwan People’s Party#Cho Jung-tai#Taiwan legislative session extension#Taiwan political protests#Taiwan parliamentary reform bill controversy
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