
Taiwan warns of China’s intensified diplomatic pressure

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/28 13:30
Last update time:2024/05/28 13:30
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Taiwan warns of China’s intensified diplomatic pressure (Courtesy of MOFA Facebook) Taiwan warns of China’s intensified diplomatic pressure
Taiwan warns of China's intensified diplomatic pressure (Courtesy of MOFA Facebook)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) warned on Tuesday (May 28) that China is expected to continue its efforts to solidify the so-called "One China" principle internationally, distorting United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 and demanding countries to deny Taiwan's sovereign status. This move could even lead to China enticing Taiwan's diplomatic allies to switch allegiance, aiming to justify its actions domestically and internationally and to warn Taiwan.

China's Military and Diplomatic Pressure


From May 23 to 24, China conducted the "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercises around Taiwan, escalating tensions in the region. The MOFA expressed concerns that China might intensify its suppression of Taiwan on the international stage, further isolating Taiwan and limiting its international space.

The ministry also highlighted the possibility of China using trade, resources, and economic measures as weapons to coerce Taiwan and hinder its efforts to sign bilateral economic and trade agreements or join regional economic integration mechanisms like the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Taiwan's Response to International Challenges

In response to these challenges, the MOFA announced it would present a report to the Legislative Yuan on Wednesday (May 29) detailing the impact of the international and cross-strait situation on Taiwan's national security following the inauguration of the 16th president.

The ministry pledged to vigorously promote value-based diplomacy, focusing on democracy, peace, and prosperity to deepen Taiwan's international connections and mitigate the potential negative impact of cross-strait and international developments on Taiwan's national security.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# China# One China principle# United Nations# diplomatic allies# military exercises# economic sanctions# Taiwan national security# cross-strait relations# Taiwan international space
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