
Taiwan calls for health rights recognition at WHA

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/27 17:17
Last update time:2024/05/27 17:37
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Johnny Chiang, second left, is the deputy speaker of the Legislative Yuan. (Courtesy of Ministry of  Taiwan calls for health rights recognition at WHA
Johnny Chiang, second left, is the deputy speaker of the Legislative Yuan. (Courtesy of Ministry of Health and Welfare)

GENEVA (TVBS News) — Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) made a compelling call for global attention to the health rights of the Taiwanese people on Monday (May 27) on the sidelines of the World Health Assembly (WHA). Speaking at the international press conference of the Taiwanese delegation to Geneva, Chiang urged global allies to recognize the importance of Taiwan's health rights, not just its semiconductor contributions.

This plea comes as the WHA kicks off its six-day meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, which has been held without Taiwan's official invitation since 2017. Since losing its invitation to the WHA in 2017, Taiwan has continued to participate through side meetings organized by the Taiwan delegation to Geneva.


When asked if United Nations Resolution 2758 was a barrier used by China to exclude Taiwan, Chiang stressed that the resolution has its historical context but does not affect the Republic of China's international legal status. He emphasized that the Republic of China still owns sovereignty and autonomy over its territory, including Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu.

Chiang highlighted Taiwan's capacity to fulfill international obligations and its right to participate in international organizations. He believes Taiwan's contributions to the health and medical fields demonstrate its soft power and can help garner international support for Taiwan.

Chiang's statements underscore the island's ongoing efforts to use its soft power to win international backing, emphasizing the broader implications of Taiwan's exclusion from global health discussions.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan WHA# health rights# international conference# Taiwan sovereignty# global health# UN resolution# soft power# Taiwan’s exclusion from World Health Assembly# Taiwan’s contributions to global health# impact of UN Resolution 2758 on Taiwan


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