
Expert: Joint Sword-2024A a rehearsal for invasion of Taiwan

Reporter Dimtiri Bruyas
Release time:2024/05/23 15:06
Last update time:2024/05/23 17:02
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Expert: Drills a rehearsal for potential invasion of Taiwan (TVBS News) Expert: Joint Sword-2024A a rehearsal for invasion of Taiwan
Expert: Drills a rehearsal for potential invasion of Taiwan (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The People's Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command (中共解放軍東部戰區) announced early Thursday (May 23) that it would conduct the "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercises around Taiwan from Thursday to Friday.

The command spokesperson, Col. Li Xi, stated that the drills aim to practice joint maritime and air combat readiness patrols, comprehensive battlefield control, and precision strikes on critical targets. Li emphasized that the exercises serve as a punishment and warning against Taiwan's independence forces and external interference.


Military Drills Spark Concern
The scope of the "Joint Sword-2024A" exercises includes the Taiwan Strait, areas north, south, and east of Taiwan Island, and the surrounding areas of Kinmen Island (金門島), Matsu Islands (馬祖島), Wuqiu Island (烏丘嶼), and Dongyin Island (東引島).

Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense expressed regret over the drills, viewing them as a disruption to regional peace and stability. In response, the ministry deployed naval, air, and ground forces. It stressed that Taiwan's military is fully prepared and confident in ensuring the nation's security.

Expert Analysis
Chieh Chung (揭仲), a deputy researcher at the National Policy Foundation, described the exercises as a full-process rehearsal for a military invasion of Taiwan. He noted that the drills cover a more comprehensive range than those in 2022, including actions around Taiwan's outlying islands such as Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu, and Dongyin.

This indicates that should China resort to force, it plans to target these outlying islands, Chieh told the United Daily News. The researcher also raised questions about the two-day duration of the exercises, suggesting they might be the beginning of a series of drills.

The "Joint Sword-2024A" exercises have heightened tensions in the region, with Taiwan's military on high alert. The drills underscore the ongoing complex dynamics between Taiwan, China, and the international community, with implications for regional security and stability. As the situation develops, the global community watches closely, aware of the broader implications of these military maneuvers.

Taiwan Affairs

Asia-Pacific News

#Taiwan military# China drills# Taiwan Strait# regional security# military exercises# Taiwan independence# external interference# Taiwan outlying islands defense# China Taiwan military tension# Taiwan regional peace stability


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