
Sergipe hosts Run for Taiwan to support WHA bid

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/23 13:21
Last update time:2024/05/27 12:35
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Sergipe hosts Run for Taiwan to support WHA bid (Courtesy of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office i Sergipe hosts Run for Taiwan to support WHA bid
Sergipe hosts Run for Taiwan to support WHA bid (Courtesy of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brazil)

SAO PAULO (TVBS News) — In a vibrant display of international solidarity, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brazil and the government of Malhador, Sergipe, co-hosted the "Run for Taiwan" friendship road race on May 19. The event aimed to amplify Taiwan's bid for participation in the World Health Assembly (WHA), drawing attention and support from the global community.

A Show of Support in Sergipe


The streets of Malhador's city center were flooded with 516 runners and city council members, all donning sleeveless vests emblazoned with the slogan "Taiwan Can Help." The race, which spanned a distance of 5 kilometers, saw enthusiastic crowds waving the flag of the Republic of China, rallying behind the runners. The city's landmarks were adorned with national flags and banners promoting Taiwan's involvement in the WHA, creating a festive atmosphere of advocacy and camaraderie.

Voices for Taiwan

Before the race commenced, Malhador's Mayor Francisco de Assis Araujo Junior introduced Liao Chih-hsien (廖志賢), the representative from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brazil, to the gathered crowd. Mayor Araujo Junior highlighted the event's purpose: to underscore Taiwan's rightful place in the WHA.

Liao, in an interview, expressed gratitude towards Mayor Araujo Junior for organizing such a significant event. He emphasized the dynamic way the race conveyed Taiwan's plea to the world through media, urging Brazilian society and the international community to recognize and support Taiwan's meaningful participation in the WHA and the World Health Organization (WHO). Liao's call to action underscored the importance of a global health defense system that leaves no one behind.

As the international community continues to navigate health challenges, the support for Taiwan's participation in the WHA and WHO signifies a collective step towards a more comprehensive and resilient global health defense system.

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#Taiwan WHA# Taipei Brazil# Run for Taiwan# global health# international solidarity# health defense# WHA participation# Taiwan’s bid for WHA# Taiwan WHO support# Taiwan’s global health advocacy


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