
Labor minister vows to protect delivery workers’ rights

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/23 11:51
Last update time:2024/05/23 11:51
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Labor minister vows to protect delivery workers’ rights (TVBS News) Labor minister vows to protect delivery workers’ rights
Labor minister vows to protect delivery workers' rights (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a significant move to safeguard the rights of delivery workers amid Uber Eats' acquisition of foodpanda, the newly appointed Minister of Labor, Ho Pei-shan (何佩珊), announced on Thursday (May 23) her commitment to personally oversee the protection of labor rights throughout the acquisition process.

Ho emphasized the Ministry of Labor's (MOL) directive to the Fair Trade Commission, insisting that the review of the acquisition must consider the ministry's stance to protect both unionized and non-unionized delivery personnel.


Labor Rights in Focus

Since July last year, the MOL has convened several meetings with major delivery unions to promote transparency in delivery fees, stressing the importance of clarity and predictability. Ho's announcement underscores the ministry's ongoing efforts to ensure fair labor practices within the rapidly evolving gig economy.

Upcoming Tripartite Dialogue

Further demonstrating the ministry's proactive approach, Ho called upon the two major delivery platforms to address the unions' demands during a platform dialogue meeting hosted by the MOL.

A sixth tripartite dialogue meeting has been scheduled for May 29, marking a continued commitment to collaborative discussions between the government, delivery platforms, and the unions.

This initiative reflects a broader push to enhance labor conditions and ensure that the voices of delivery workers are heard and considered in corporate decisions that affect their livelihoods.

Taiwan Affairs

#labor rights# delivery workers# Uber Eats# Foodpanda# gig economy# Fair Trade Commission# tripartite dialogue# delivery platforms labor issues# protecting delivery workers rights# Ministry of Labor delivery worker protection


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