
MOENV to launch initiative to end cigarette butt pollution

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/22 11:32
Last update time:2024/05/22 15:11
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MOENV to launch initiative to end cigarette butt pollution (TVBS News)  MOENV to launch initiative to end cigarette butt pollution
MOENV to launch initiative to end cigarette butt pollution (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Minister of Environment Peng Chi-ming (彭啟明) announced on Wednesday (May 22) the launch of the "National No Cigarette Butts on the Ground" initiative (全國菸蒂不落地方案) aimed at addressing environmental pollution. According to the initiative, the ministry plans to partner with convenience stores and organize cigarette butt collection events.

Legislative Support and Challenges


During his report to the Legislative Yuan's Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee on Wednesday, Peng was questioned by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Huang Hsiung-fang (黃秀芳). 

Peng highlighted the issue of cigarette butts being improperly disposed of, especially in drains, since convenience stores announced a ban on smoking and no longer installed ashtrays. This has led to significant environmental and water pollution. 

The Ministry of Environment's (MOENV) report revealed that from 2018 to 2023, there were over 322,952 violations of the Waste Disposal Act, with cigarette butts accounting for approximately 77.6% of these cases.

Strategic Measures for a Cleaner Environment

Peng emphasized the importance of collaboration between central and local governments to initiate small yet impactful actions to transform the environment and increase public awareness of cigarette butt pollution.

To create a cleaner, healthier environment free of cigarette butts, the MOENV will implement an environmental sanitation inspection and control plan. This plan includes working closely with local governments and media to highlight the pollution caused by cigarette butts.

By focusing on raising awareness and enforcing regulations, the government hopes to reduce the environmental impact of cigarette butts significantly. This initiative aims to clean up Taiwan's streets and waterways and foster a greater sense of environmental responsibility among its citizens.

Taiwan Affairs

#environmental pollution# cigarette butts# Taiwan# Waste Disposal Act# environmental sanitation# public awareness# water pollution# cigarette butt pollution in Taiwan# National No Cigarette Butts initiative# reducing environmental impact of smoking


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