
Details of parliament reform bill’s second reading explained

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/22 10:48
Last update time:2024/05/22 10:48
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Details of parliament reform bill’s second reading explained (TVBS News) Details of parliament reform bill’s second reading explained
Details of parliament reform bill’s second reading explained (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a significant move to bolster its oversight capabilities, the Legislative Yuan (立法院) passed the second reading of amendments to the Law Governing the Legislative Yuan`s Power on Tuesday (May 21), enhancing its investigative powers.

The revised legislation now empowers the Legislative Yuan to demand information from government agencies, military units, corporations, organizations, and related individuals.


Under the new amendments, if corporations or related individuals fail to comply with the demands for information, they could face fines of up to NT$100,000. The Legislative Yuan is also authorized to establish investigative committees or task forces to exercise these enhanced powers. These bodies can request specific reference materials related to legislative proposals and conduct hearings to gather further evidence.

The amendments stipulate that the Legislative Yuan's investigative activities must not exceed their intended purpose, scope, and must respect the independence of other state organs. Should government agencies or officials refuse, delay, or hide requested documents, they can be referred to the Control Yuan (監察院) for legal action.

Similarly, corporations and organizations that violate the document provision rules can be fined between NT$10,000 and NT$100,000, with penalties accruing until compliance is achieved.

Those penalized under the new rules have the right to challenge the Legislative Yuan's decisions in the administrative court located in the Legislative Yuan's jurisdiction. Additionally, the Legislative Yuan's third readings will focus primarily on textual amendments unless contradictions within the proposal or conflicts with the constitution or other laws are discovered.

This legislative update marks a pivotal enhancement in the Legislative Yuan's ability to hold various entities accountable and ensure transparency within Taiwan's governance framework.

Taiwan Affairs

#Legislative Yuan# Taiwan governance# legislative amendments# government oversight# investigative powers# transparency in governance# government fines# enhanced investigative powers Taiwan# Legislative Yuan oversight capabilities
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