
U.S. YouTuber faces backlash over Taiwan legislature video

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/21 11:34
Last update time:2024/05/21 13:51
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Beck denies mocking Taiwan’s legislative (Courtesy of Logan Beck’s FB) U.S. YouTuber faces backlash over Taiwan legislature video
Beck denies mocking Taiwan

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — American YouTuber Logan Beck has sparked controversy by creating a short video about the recent legislative conflict in Taiwan, and sharing it on social media platforms before removing it as of Tuesday (May 21) due to backlash from online users.

His video depicted the Legislative Yuan's turmoil, drawing criticism for its portrayal of Taiwan's government.

In the video, Beck suggested that the international community views Taiwan's government as shocking, likening the legislative conflict to a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) match.


This comparison has led to significant dissatisfaction among viewers, who feel Beck did not fully grasp the reasons behind the legislative conflict before critiquing it.

Many social media users expressed discontent, questioning whether Beck truly understands Taiwan and the context of the legislative conflict.

In response to the criticism, Beck stated that he did not express support for any side, nor did he intend to mock the situation, explaining his goal was merely to show how Taiwan's government is perceived internationally.

The controversy stems from events on May 17, when the Kuomintang (KMT, 國民黨) and the Taiwan People's Party (TPP, 民眾黨) pushed to pass a legislative reform bill before the presidential inauguration on May 20. The effort led to several clashes in the Legislative Yuan, with some lawmakers injured and hospitalized.

Despite the backlash, Beck, who has a following of 551,000 subscribers on his channel, is known for his videos on Taiwanese topics, which are generally well-received.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# Legislative Yuan# Logan Beck# Taiwan government# legislative conflict# social media backlash# Taiwanese politics# Taiwan legislative reform# international perception of Taiwan# American YouTuber controversy in Taiwan
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