
Digital Minister unveils plan to combat fraud and scams

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/12 17:41
Last update time:2024/04/12 17:41
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Digital Minister unveils plan to combat fraud and scams (TVBS News) Digital Minister unveils plan to combat fraud and scams
Digital Minister unveils plan to combat fraud and scams (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Digital Minister Audrey Tang announced on Friday (April 12) that the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) plans to launch an act that punishes frauds and scams in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior next week.

The announcement, made at a press conference for the 3rd Ideathon, followed the legislators' criticism of MODA for its poor efforts to stop scams. Tang responded by emphasizing that MODA's strategy for preventing fraud begins at the source. One technique that has gained international notoriety is the Electronic Signatures Act.


Furthermore, to discuss AI-related concerns, MODA is organizing an online meeting next week with major players in the business, including Meta, Google, Microsoft, and Open AI, according to Tang. 

Additionally, in response to criticism over MODA's lateness in blocking access to the forum website "Chuangyi Sifang," which is linked to child pornography, Tang stated that MODA promptly blocked the website within a minute after receiving an administrative order from the Ministry of Health and Welfare at 6:30 p.m. on April 10.

Taiwan Affairs

#Digital Minister# Audrey Tang# MODA# fraud prevention# AI meeting# Electronic Signatures Act# Chuangyi Sifang# Ministry of Digital Affairs fraud prevention# MODA AI meeting with tech giants# Chuangyi Sifang child pornography website blocked
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