
Sean Lien backs Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit amid tensions

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/02 14:23
Last update time:2024/04/02 14:23
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Sean Lien backs Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit amid tensions (TVBS News) Sean Lien backs Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit amid tensions
Sean Lien backs Ma Ying-jeou's China visit amid tensions (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Sean Lien, Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT), on Tuesday (April 2), praised former President Ma Ying-jeou's visit to China, despite potential backlash from pro-independence supporters.

Lien argued that the visit is in the interest of Taiwan's future and overall security.


Ma's second visit to China could lead to a second meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on April 8, dubbed the second "Ma-Xi" meeting.

Lien emphasized the importance of cross-strait communication, stating that increased participation could effectively reduce conflicts, especially as relations have deteriorated to their worst point, increasing the chances of misjudgments leading to conflict.

Meanwhile, senior media personality Huang Wei-han suggested that the second "Ma-Xi" meeting could complicate the KMT's chances in the next election, given the prevailing public sentiment in Taiwan leans toward the U.S. and against China.

In response, Lien pointed out that recent elections have shown that 60% of the public hopes for peaceful coexistence between the two sides. While he stopped short of predicting a win-win situation, he stressed the need for mutual respect and the avoidance of conflict or potential risks.

Lien underscored the spirit of the 1992 Consensus, which emphasizes setting aside disputes and seeking common ground. He argued that after 50-60 years of political disagreements over cross-strait relations, it would be more productive to promote beneficial actions based on mutual trust. If Ma's visit embodies this spirit, Lien said, it would be a positive development.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan future# cross-strait communication# Ma-Xi meeting# KMT chances# public sentiment# peaceful coexistence# 1992 Consensus# importance of cross-strait communication for Taiwan’s security# impact of Ma-Xi meeting on KMT’s election prospects
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