
Restaurant under investigation after fatal food poisoning

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/29 16:23
Last update time:2024/03/29 16:23
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Restaurant under investigation after fatal food poisoning (TVBS News) Restaurant under investigation after fatal food poisoning
Restaurant under investigation after fatal food poisoning (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A food poisoning incident at the Polam Kopitiam restaurant has led prosecutors to question the restaurant's CEO, Mr. Li, and other staff on Friday (March 29) afternoon.

The investigation is focusing on the preparation and storage of food, with potential charges of negligence leading to death and violations of the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation.


To date, there have been 18 cases linked to the restaurant, including two deaths and five severe illnesses.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) found traces of "Bongkrekic acid" in the autopsy report of one of the deceased.

A 25-year-old chef, Mr. Hu, was questioned and detained without bail. while Mr. Li, the person in charge, and other staff will be questioned again to clarify further details.

The High Prosecutors Office coordinated the investigation on Tuesday evening, with the Taipei District Prosecutors Office leading the case.

The Shilin District Prosecutors Office and New Taipei District Prosecutors Office are handling the autopsies of the deceased within their jurisdictions.

In the early hours of Wednesday, a team led by a prosecutor from the Taipei District Prosecutors Office searched the restaurant, seizing food, purchase orders, surveillance footage, and mobile phones as evidence.

The restaurant's owner, Li Fang-hsuan, Manager Wang, and Chef Chou were also questioned. Chef Chou was abroad at the time of the incident, and his shift was covered by Chef Hu, who was questioned and released on bail yesterday.

Currently, travel restrictions have been placed on Li, Wang, and Hu. They will be questioned again this afternoon to further clarify the case.

Taiwan Affairs

#food poisoning incident# restaurant CEO# negligence in food preparation# food safety violations# autopsy report# prosecutors investigation# surveillance footage# food poisoning incident at Polam Kopitiam restaurant
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