
System glitch disrupts meal plans: Uber Eats investigates

Release time:2024/03/05 11:03
Last update time:2024/03/05 11:03
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System glitch disrupts meal plans: Uber Eats investigates (Shutterstock) System glitch disrupts meal plans: Uber Eats investigates
System glitch disrupts meal plans: Uber Eats investigates (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Food delivery platform Uber Eats on Tuesday (March 5) responded to a system crash, stating it was investigating why users temporarily couldn't use the Uber Eats App. The company apologized for any inconvenience caused.

Uber Eats assured that some customers have already been able to place orders as work is underway to progressively restore the service.


The disruption in Uber Eats' service occurred earlier tthe same day, where a system crash made it impossible for customers to checkout and place orders. The issue lasted for more than an hour.

In response to the problem, a significant number of customers left complaints on the company's Facebook page, highlighting the system's issues.

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#Uber Eats# system crash# food delivery# apology# customer complaints# service disruption# app issue# Uber Eats system crash investigation# Uber Eats temporary checkout issue# Uber Eats service restoration progress


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