
Taipei uncovers more chili products with Sudan III dye

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/05 10:50
Last update time:2024/03/05 10:50
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Taipei uncovers more chili products with Sudan III dye (Shutterstock) Taipei uncovers more chili products with Sudan III dye
Taipei uncovers more chili products with Sudan III dye (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taipei City Government's Department of Health disclosed on Monday (March 4) that banned dye Sudan III has been found in three chili products, including Dings Food Corporation's chili powder, Linco-Food's Thai-style chili powder and Sthou Lon Industry Co.'s "super-hot 'facing heaven' chili powder."

New Taipei's Dings Food Corporation, Linco-Food, and Taichung's Sthou Lon Industry Co. each had a product found to contain the dye.


Following the discovery, the city's health department has reported the results to the health departments where the products are located and has demanded online retail platforms remove the tainted products.

In relation to the incident where HaiDiLao's Hotpot seasoning was found to contain the same dye, Taipei's Health Department said they were notified by the Taoyuan City's Department of Public Health.

Taipei's Health Department has since inspected HaiDiLao's Nan Shan branch and the HaiDiLao International Food Services, and found that the company had voluntarily removed a total of 734 kilograms of the products in violation.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei City Government# banned dye Sudan III# chili products# health department# tainted products# public health# food safety# banned dye Sudan III in chili products# health department’s inspection of tainted products# HaiDiLao Hotpot seasoning contaminat
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