
TPP Chairman shares plans to launch ’Grassroot Cafes’

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/01 10:52
Last update time:2024/03/01 10:52
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TPP Chairman shares plans to launch ’Grassroot Cafes’  (TVBS News) TPP Chairman shares plans to launch ’Grassroot Cafes’
TPP Chairman shares plans to launch 'Grassroot Cafes' (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The chairman of Taiwan People's Party (TPP), Ko Wen-je, on Thursday (Feb. 29) expressed plans to open "Grassroot Cafes" at three locations across Taiwan — including the Linkou District in New Taipei City, Beitun District in Taichung, and the Zuoying District in Kaohsiung.

The Grassroot Cafes will sell beverages and hot food using vending machines — a measure Ko Wen-je is exploring to avoid the hassle of employing a large number of staff. The TPP chairman further revealed plans to host monthly "Chairman Ko's Forums" at these sites.


The choice to launch these cafes has aroused suspicion from other parties, who question if it violates the regulation of the Political Parties Act, under which a political party is prohibited from operating or investing in for-profit endeavors.

In response, TPP spokesman Adam Lee said the cafes will not be run directly by the party, but rather through supporters or other peripheral means.

Meanwhile, Ko Wen-je has laid out his election strategy for 2026. His plan includes adding an extra seat in existing areas with TPP councilors and nominating a seat in areas devoid of any.

Regarding the eight non-partisan legislative seats set for turnover on Feb. 1, 2026, Ko Wen-je said preliminary training for the successor legislators will start well ahead.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan People’s Party# Ko Wen-je# Grassroot Cafes# vending machines# Chairman Ko’s Forums# election strategy# legislative seats# Taiwan People’s Party chairman plans for Grassroot Cafes# Ko Wen-je’s election strategy for 2026# TPP spokesman explanation on
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