
Taipei mayor demands accountability for Shenkeng fire

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/02/22 11:51
Last update time:2024/02/22 12:06
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Taipei mayor demands accountability for Shenkeng fire (TVBS News) Taipei mayor demands accountability for Shenkeng fire
Taipei mayor demands accountability for Shenkeng fire (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an said on Thursday (Feb. 22) that he has requested a review report of the fire incident in Shenkeng District of New Taipei City within a week and will conduct appropriate accountability and punishment.

"Those who should be held responsible and punished will be punished. I will personally follow up on this case," Chiang said.


The Shenkeng District of New Taipei City suffered a major fire on Tuesday, causing heavy smoke and odor that angered residents, putting pressure on both Taipei and New Taipei City governments.

Chiang stressed that if problems arise under the existing mechanisms, they must come from the responsible person who failed to execute, therefore all reviews are necessary.

Chiang pointed out that the responsibility for this accident is not just a single sector's duty but requires all relevant agencies, including the Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Civil Affairs, Fire Department, Department of Education, and schools, for a comprehensive review.

In regards to whether there will be punishment and who might be the subject of such, Chiang said there are no limitations, and it will be decided based on the detailed reports.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Mayor Chiang# fire incident review# Shenkeng District# New Taipei City# accountability# punishment# fire accident review# Fire incident accountability review in Shenkeng District# Responsibility and punishment for Taipei fire accident
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