
Shanghai delegation attends Taipei Lantern Festival

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/02/17 14:31
Last update time:2024/02/17 14:31
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Shanghai delegation attends Taipei Lantern Festival (TVBS News) Shanghai delegation attends Taipei Lantern Festival
Shanghai delegation attends Taipei Lantern Festival (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taipei Lantern Festival's main lantern is set to be lit on Saturday evening (Feb. 17). According to Department of Information and Tourism Commissioner Wang Chiu-tung, no official meeting was arranged between the Shanghai delegation and Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an.

Wang also noted that although no official meeting is scheduled, the mayor is expected to visit various lantern areas throughout the evening. A chance encounter could occur if the mayor and representatives are present at the same exhibition.


The Taipei Lantern Festival also showcases lanterns from 16 cities. Shanghai, one of them, has sent a delegation to participate in this year's lantern festival.

Media reports suggest that the level of representation from Shanghai has been downgraded from previous years, now led at the director level. An insider said that as part of the opening ceremony, the Shanghai delegation will have an opportunity to meet Mayor Chiang Wan-an. This could potentially be the only face-to-face interaction during their visit.

In addition, the insider revealed that the Mainland Affairs Council is hoping to keep a low profile regarding the Shanghai delegation's visit, ensuring their safety, and hence their itinerary has not been made public.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Lantern Festival# Shanghai delegation# Mayor Chiang Wan-an# lantern areas# lantern festival# Mainland Affairs Council# exhibition# official meeting Shanghai delegation Taipei Lantern Festival# Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an lantern areas visit# Mainlan
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