
Wang Yi urges US action against Taiwan independence

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/02/17 12:01
Last update time:2024/02/17 12:01
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Wang Yi calls for end to sanctions (Courtesy of Fox via TVBS News) Wang Yi urges US action against Taiwan independence
Wang Yi calls for end to sanctions (Courtesy of Fox via TVBS News)

MUNICH (TVBS News) — China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on the U.S. to ensure stability across the Taiwan Strait by taking concrete action against Taiwan's independence, during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Munich Security Conference on Friday (Feb. 16).

Wang emphasized that the world recognized only one China, with Taiwan being an inseparable part of Chinese territory. He attributed any attempt to alter this status quo to Taiwan separatist activities and the external forces that abet them.


According to Wang, the foremost task for both parties is to follow the strategic guidance of their leaders, taking the "San Francisco Vision" forward and fostering a healthy, steady, and sustainable relationship between China and the U.S.

He also urged the U.S. to lift the "illegal" unilateral sanctions on Chinese companies and individuals, insisting that China's legitimate rights to development should not be undermined.

Amid discussions on humanitarian exchanges and personnel exchanges, Wang implored the U.S. to cease the "baseless harassment and scrutiny of Chinese citizens."

Both parties agreed to retain dialogue and communication across various fields, further implementing the "San Francisco Vision" and exploring next-stage exchanges between the two nations at all levels.

In relation to geopolitical flashpoints, such as the Ukraine crisis, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and issues on the Korean Peninsula, both sides exchanged views and agreed to maintain contact.

Asia-Pacific News

#China# Taiwan Strait# stability# independence# San Francisco Vision# Chinese territory# U.S.-China relationship# concrete action against Taiwan’s independence# lifting of unilateral sanctions on Chinese companies
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