
Taiwan’s new conscripts begin 1-year military service

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/01/25 15:15
Last update time:2024/01/25 15:15
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Taiwan’s new conscripts begin 1-year military service (TVBS News) Taiwan’s new conscripts begin 1-year military service
Taiwan's new conscripts begin 1-year military service (TVBS News)

TAICHUNG (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND) Army Command Headquarters said on Thursday (Jan. 25) that newly enlisted soldiers will be trained to become competent fighters capable of executing single-soldier combat missions and accepting squad-level tasks.

This year's compulsory service has been extended to one year, with the first batch of conscripts enlisting for an eight-week training in new recruit training centers in northern, central, and southern Taiwan today.


The initial batch of conscripts reported to the Cheng Kung Ling Camp in Taichung, where officers led new recruits in oaths pledging to uphold the constitution, stay loyal to the country, and serve the people.

The military training program is divided into four phases. The first stage focuses on establishing core military values, basic physical fitness, and combat skill training.

The second stage emphasizes rifle shooting, pistol and machine gun mechanics training, along with basic combat coaching.

The third phase includes advanced rifle shooting training and combined combat coaching. Real battlefield environments are simulated to increase the confidence of the conscripts in weapon utilization.

The fourth stage is a five-day final assessment, including physical combat skills, rifle shooting proficiency, and a comprehensive three-day combat coaching.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense# newly enlisted soldiers# combat missions# conscripts# military training program# rifle shooting# final assessment# competent fighters capable of executing single-soldier combat missions
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