
Taiwan High Speed Rail workers threaten strike over bonuses

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/01/05 16:18
Last update time:2024/01/05 16:18
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Taiwan High Speed Rail workers threaten strike over bonuses (TVBS News) Taiwan High Speed Rail workers threaten strike over bonuses
Taiwan High Speed Rail workers threaten strike over bonuses (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) acknowledged on Thursday (Jan. 4) misunderstandings in recent discussions with the Taiwan High Speed Rail Labor Union. THSR expressed regret and committed to continuing equal dialogue to resolve differences and achieve consensus.

The labor union expressed dissatisfaction with the 2.3 months of year-end bonuses given to employees, insisting that at least four months should be awarded. They have called on the company to present a plan that aligns with staff expectations before the next mediation meeting, threatening to strike if their demands are not met.


THSR announced on Dec. 13 a salary adjustment starting April 1, with an average increase of 4.9%, and the distribution of 2.3 months of year-end bonuses by the end of January. The company also issued an "operational incentive" of NT$12,000 per employee at the end of last year.

However, the union stated that THSR failed to present any new plans at their regular Thursday meeting.

The union has warned of a potential justified strike, calling for responses to the increased hardships faced by employees in travel-related work, a more appropriate year-end bonus, and not restricting year-end bonuses to benefit executives and upper management. 

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan High Speed Rail#THSR#year-end bonuses#rail labor union#mediation meeting#salaries#strike#Taiwan High Speed Rail labor union#year-end bonuses for THSR employees#plan complying with staff expectations


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