
Shipping companies reroute amid escalating Red Sea crisis

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/12/20 21:04
Last update time:2023/12/20 21:04
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TWPORT: shipping routes altered amid red sea crisis (Shutterstock) Shipping companies reroute amid escalating Red Sea crisis
TWPORT: shipping routes altered amid red sea crisis (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The escalating Red Sea crisis has prompted shipping companies to reroute their vessels, the Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TWPORT) said on Wednesday (Dec. 20).

Ten shipping routes from Taipei and Kaohsiung ports pass through the Red Sea, but detours are being made to ensure safety despite potential delays.


The Houthi movement, aligned with Iran, continues to target ships in the Red Sea, particularly those associated with Israel. In response, shippers, both international and local, are announcing delays or rerouting their ships around the Cape of Good Hope on the Atlantic coast of South Africa.

Shipping companies are taking precautions to protect vessels, crews, and cargo, either by navigating around the Cape or temporarily suspending services.

TWPORT noted that the impact is relatively minimal, and there is no significant congestion at ports, as the Red Sea situation primarily affects regional operations.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications' Maritime and Port Bureau (MOTCMPB) has temporarily stopped accepting cargo for Israeli ports and will adjust routes as the situation develops.

Taiwan Business

#Red Sea crisis# shipping companies# shipping routes# Houthi rebels# safety of vessels# maritime market# shipping companies reroute due to Red Sea crisis# Houthi rebels targeting ships in the Red Sea# shipping companies navigate around


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