
Supply chain resiliency a focus in APEC: U.S. ambassador

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/11/13 11:20
Last update time:2023/11/13 11:21
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — U.S. Ambassador Matt Murray, senior official for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), stressed the importance of keeping communication channels open and pointed out APEC's role in fostering these exchanges during the latest episode of the TVBS Meeting Room released on Saturday (Nov. 11).

Murray told TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu about supply chain resilience, underscoring its significance as a component of economic and national security. The global dependency on semiconductors was pointed out as a growing concern among nations.


Murray mentioned APEC's development of a "Supply Chain Resiliency Action Plan," a strategy informed by lessons learned throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, Morris Chang, founder of the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), represents Taiwan at APEC once more, demonstrating the nation's pivotal role in the semiconductor industry.

Murray acknowledged ongoing communication with partners in Taiwan and across APEC economies regarding supply chain challenges and other pressing issues.

As the Biden-Xi Summit approaches, coinciding with APEC, Murray reiterated the importance of open channels for dialogue. "APEC is a venue that annually convenes leaders, enabling vital conversations at both multilateral and bilateral levels," he concluded.

The United States is hosting the 2023 APEC Economic Leaders' Week, chaired by President Joe Biden in San Francisco. The week-long event will culminate with the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting on Nov. 16-17, during which Asia-Pacific leaders will establish regional goals and a strategic agenda for the upcoming year under the guidance of President Biden.

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#APEC#supply chain#semiconductors#economic security#Taiwan#TSMC#global economy#APEC supply chain resiliency#Taiwan semiconductor industry#Biden-Xi APEC summit


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