
Mayor Chiang in Seoul for World Cities Summit Mayors Forum

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/09/25 18:53
Last update time:2023/09/25 18:53
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SEOUL (TVBS News) — Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an is in South Korea for the World Cities Summit Mayors Forum 2023 from Sept. 24 to 26, aiming to foster city-to-city relations with Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon.

The two mayors witnessed the signing of an MOU between the Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission from the Taipei City Government and the Youth and Future Planning Bureau under the Seoul Metropolitan Government on Monday (Sept. 25), wishing to deepen cross-cities exchanges.


Chiang voiced his primary objectives for this trip were city diplomacy and youth development, saying, "We will meet with Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, who is hosting this year's World Cities Summit, and sign an MOU with them."

As Seoul has been Taipei's sister city for 55 years, Mayor Chiang and Mayor Oh met the day before, where the former donned a traditional Korean outfit, "Hanbok," presented by Oh.  

Before attending the summit, Chiang also met with former South Korean representative to Taiwan Han Chul-soo, praising him as a "good friend of the Republic of China, Taiwan," and cordially invited him to revisit Taiwan. 

Since youth development was another highlight of his Seoul visit, Chiang also met with overseas Taiwanese students on Sunday, seeking to hear their firsthand experiences studying abroad.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an#Seoul World Cities Summit#Mayors Forum 2023#City Diplomacy#Youth Development#Mayor Oh Se-hoon#MOU Signing#Taipei-Seoul Relations#Diplomatic Visit#Taiwan-Korea Cooperation


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