
Taiwan seeks creative measures to adapt to extreme weather

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/09/04 19:08
Last update time:2023/09/04 19:08
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As extreme weather sets to become the new norm, Taiwan sees an increased frequency of heavy rainfall. Due to these changes, authorities are taking creative and budget-friendly measures to improve cities' capacity to handle sudden rain showers.

For instance, the Taipei City Government plans to transform 21 abandoned underpasses into small and medium-sized retention ponds, with one such pond located near the historic Chiang Kai-Shek Shilin Residence.


The design of the underground retention pond near the residence is consisted of two layers, with a combined depth of 8 meters, and a capacity of 11,000 cubic meters.

Explaining the design concept of the retention pond, Chiu Yu-ming, section chief of the Hydraulic Engineering Office under the Public Works Department (PWD) of the Taipei City Government, shared that permeable pavement will be built on the ground, and save water bricks will be installed underneath.

"When it rains, the pavement can channel rainwater from the bricks for water retention," Chiu added.

Though equipped with permeable pavement and bricks designed to save water, with afternoon thunderstorms often bringing hourly rainfall exceeding 100 millimeters, drains in Taipei can only handle 78.8 millimeters of rain per hour.

The PWD acknowledged that flooding cannot be fully avoided during extreme weather conditions, and urged the importance of educating the public on disaster awareness preparedness.

Chiu advised: "Residents can install flood barriers at the entrances and exits of underpasses, housing, underground parking lots, or low-lying areas at the doorway. By doing so, people can at least prevent water from flooding houses, and causing property damage."

To enhance urban resilience, experts suggested the need for multifaceted efforts, including increasing permeable surfaces, emphasizing greenery, and optimizing drainage systems. These strategies will contribute to effective water retention.

The Taiwan Briefing

#Taiwan#global warming#retention ponds#climate change#extreme weather
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