
Residents in N. Taiwan thrilled at planned MRT line

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/01/31 17:33
Last update time:2023/01/31 17:33
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Commuters traveling between Taipei and New Taipei City frequently express frustration over extended rush hour traffic.
However, a solution may be imminent with the proposed construction of a new MRT line connecting Xizhi District in New Taipei and Donghu in Neihu, Taipei.

The Cabinet approved the plan prior to the Lunar New Year holiday with a projected completion date of 9 and a half years.
The Xizhi-Donghu line will span 5.5 km with six stops per current plans. The construction cost is estimated at NT$37.69 billion, with New Taipei City anticipated to contribute around NT$22.05 billion.
The new line will link with the existing Minsheng-Xizhi line and feature three interchanges with future MRT stations in Keelung, increasing connectivity between cities.
Critics, however, have raised doubts over the line's ability to alleviate congestion, as the MRT utilizes a medium-capacity rail system that accommodates fewer passengers.
More importantly, the potential overlap of stations with TRA trains and Keelung's planned public transportation system has led to concerns that it may function more like a light rail transit system.

Lee Ker-Tsung, a transportation expert of the Consumers' Foundation, remarked, "To ensure comprehensive planning for the Xizhi-Donghu line, the extension needs to include three additional stations, ending at Jiuzong Road."
Residents of Xizhi, who have waited over two decades for alternative MRT access, eagerly await the day the new line becomes operational.
Despite calls for the line's expansion, the limited space available for its installation has also sparked concerns among some that construction could exacerbate traffic congestion.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#MRT#Xizhi District#Neihu District#New Taipei


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