
Former top Chinese leaders attend 20th Party Congress too

Reporter By Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2022/10/17 17:23
Last update time:2022/10/17 17:23
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As China's 20th National Party Congress kicked off on Sunday (Oct. 16) the world caught a rare glimpse of many senior Chinese political leaders in attendance. Foreign media noted how President Xi Jinping helped former Chinese president 79-year-old Hu Jintao into his seat.

After Xi's 2-hour-long speech, the audience in the hall responded with a round of applause. However, Hu could be seen with his hands firmly placed on the table. Media pointed out that he did give Xi a look of acknowledgement when the current leader sat down.


Also, 105-year-old party elder Song Ping was also spotted at the Party Congress. Though he was seated in a wheelchair, he seemed to be focused during the proceedings. Moreover, 80-year-old Wen Jiabao who previously served as head of the Chinese government for a decade was also present, but 96-year-old Jiang Zemin was noticeably absent.

Basharat Rahool, a Pakistani correspondent stationed in Beijing stressed the importance of the party congress on the day. "I think it was a very great meeting [...] It was not important only for China, but an entire world was looking at it."

The significant event also saw China beefing up its security outside the building and its surrounding areas. All those approaching Tiananmen Square will need to scan their ID to get near the area, while police have also set up patrols every 500 meters so that maximum security is guaranteed on the eventful day.

Taiwan Affairs

#China#20th National Party Congress#Xi Jinping#Beijing#politics
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