《離騷》英文怎麼翻? 陸「翻譯女神」說給你聽

編輯 何文君 報導

2017/03/20 13:06








1. 和則兩立 斗則俱傷

張璐譯文:A peaceful and harmonious biliateral relationship between these two countries will make both winners while a confrontational one will make both losers.

2. 行百里者半九十。

張璐譯文:Half of the people who have embarked on a one-hundred-mile journey may fall by the wayside.


3. 華山再高,頂有過路。

張璐譯文:No matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to it's top.


4. 亦余心之所向兮,雖九死其尤未悔。

張璐譯文:For the ideal that I hold dear to myheart, I'd not regret at thousand times to die.


5. 人或加訕,心無疵兮。

張璐譯文:My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside.

6. 兄弟雖有小忿,不廢懿親。

張璐譯文:Differences between brothers can not severtheir blood ties.


7. 不畏浮雲遮望眼 只緣身在最高層

張璐譯文:As a chinese poem reads we have no fear of the clouds that may block our sights as we are already at the top of the hight.

8. 入則懇懇以盡忠,出則謙謙以自悔。

張璐譯文:Goes officials should seve as loyal as they can conscientiously when they are in office and engage in modest self-reflection when their terms end.

9. 知我罪我,其惟春秋。

張璐譯文:There are people who will appreciate what I have done but there are also people who will criticize me, ultimately, history will have the final say.

10. 苟利國家生死以,豈因禍福避趨之。

張璐譯文:I shall dedicate myself to the interests of the country in life and death irrespective of personal wealand woe.

11. 守職而不廢 處義而不回。

張璐譯文:I will not waver and carry out my duties, and will remain true to my conviction.






更新時間:2017/03/20 15:23