圖/擷取自T.O.P IG、topstarnews
韓國天團Big Bang出道多年,擁有大批死忠粉絲,雖然T.O.P今年2月9日以義警身份入伍成員,暫別演藝圈兩年,但依舊是粉絲們關注的焦點。然而今日卻突然驚爆,T.O.P涉嫌吸食大麻,已經被首爾警方建議「起訴」,而他所屬YG娛樂隨後也發出聲明表示,T.O.P涉嫌吸毒遭逮是事實,「正在深切反省中。」
但其實T.O.P所屬的經紀公司「YG娛樂」先前就曾爆出同樣是Big Bang成員的隊長GD以及已解散的女團2NE1的成員朴春,先前也曾因為捲入吸食大麻的風波,雖然最後皆判定無罪,但難免令人聯想。
First and foremost, we would like to apologize.
After confirmation, we have learned that Choi Seung Hyun (T.O.P's real name) did in fact admit to the charge of smoking marijuana before his military enlistment, following through with all investigative measures by attending the police's investigation in the midst of his public service duties and deeply reflecting on his actions afterward.
更新時間:2017/06/01 15:03