Taiwan’s tech industry poised for growth after Computex 2024

記者 Dimitri Bruyas 報導

2024/06/07 18:15

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As COMPUTEX 2024 wraps up on Friday (June 7), groundbreaking trends have emerged, signaling immense business opportunities for Taiwan. Today's innovations are not just about improving performances but also about creating sustainable, efficient solutions for the future.

Accelerated Computing


Accelerated computing is leading the charge, enhancing data processing efficiency, minimizing energy waste, and boosting performance. NVIDIA Founder and CEO Jensen Huang highlighted the need to reduce energy waste trapped in data centers and redirect it for new purposes. 

"Accelerated computing's time has come because, for a very long time, the amount of data processing has been increasing exponentially. And yet CPU scaling has slowed for many, many years," said Huang. "We have now an enormous amount of wasted energy and cost trapped inside the data centers."

AI Demand in Data Centers
Soaring AI demand in data centers is another major trend. Data centers are expanding their footprints and increasing flexibility to handle high-performance computing. "Every data center provider I know today is being crushed by how they operate, how they expand their footprint and the space and flexibility for high-performance computing," noted Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger. "They have more demands for AI in the data center."

This demand pressures providers to innovate and expand, making the data center landscape more competitive. The evolution towards AI-driven data centers indicates a significant shift in the industry, pushing boundaries to meet growing computational needs.

Booming AI PC Market
The demand for AI PCs is booming as well, driving a significant transition in the Windows ecosystem and evolving PCs into powerful AI-driven tools. "It’s the biggest transition of Windows since Windows 95," said Qualcomm President and CEO Cristiano Amon. "I think our strategy has been to restore the performance leadership through the Windows ecosystem and help our partners drive this transition of a PC to a Copilot+PC."

AI PCs are set to transform user experiences, making technology more intuitive and responsive and enhancing productivity across various sectors. This transformation reflects a broader trend towards integrating AI more deeply into everyday computing, promising a future where devices are smarter and more adaptive to user needs.

Green Computing and Sustainability
The birth of green computing highlights a significant shift towards sustainability, with new concepts aimed at reducing energy consumption. "We are on a mission to build a more sustainable data center infrastructure that addresses the rising need for more computing and storage in today's world," said Supermicro President and CEO Charles Liang. Green computing is not just a trend but a necessity, addressing the growing need for computing power while minimizing environmental impact.

Direct Liquid Cooling, for example, reduces operating expenses by up to 40%, showcasing a practical approach to sustainability. This technology reflects a broader industry push towards more eco-friendly solutions that balance performance with environmental stewardship.

Opportunities for Taiwan

These advancements in computing technology create vast business opportunities for Taiwan, positioning its industries to lead this revolution. The synergy of accelerated computing, soaring AI demand, booming AI PC market, and green computing is propelling the tech world forward. As COMPUTEX 2024 concludes, it’s clear that Taiwan is at the forefront of these technological advancements, ready to seize new opportunities.

Today's innovations are not just about improving performance but also about creating sustainable, efficient solutions for the future. Taiwan’s tech industry is poised for growth, driven by emerging trends that promise to reshape the global computing landscape. From data centers to personal computing, the demand for advanced, efficient, and sustainable technologies is soaring. The end of COMPUTEX 2024 marks the beginning of a new era in computing, with Taiwan playing a pivotal role in driving global progress.

更新時間:2024/06/07 18:15
