NVIDIA’s Jensen Huang discusses AI computing and energy use

記者 Dimitri Bruyas 報導

2024/06/04 19:53

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang engaged with local and international media on Tuesday on the sidelines of COMPUTEX Taipei. Huang discussed the company's optimistic forecasts and ongoing investments in AI computing, emphasizing the importance of accelerated computing in mitigating energy consumption risks.

"This is a great opportunity for Taiwan because there are so many amazing companies here," Huang said. "This is the home of NVIDIA technology partners."


Collaboration with Foxconn
Huang highlighted NVIDIA's extensive collaboration with Foxconn, noting their joint efforts in building Blackwell GPU servers and AI supercomputers. "We are doing many things with Foxconn," Huang explained. "Of course, they're building Blackwell GPU servers with us and AI supercomputers with us. They also are the data center to host our super AI computer in Kaohsiung, and that's where our Taipei-1 is. And we look forward to expanding that."

The partnership extends beyond data centers to include automated factories and AI-driven robots. "They also use NVIDIA technology for their automated factories using AI for their factories, AI for their robots. We're doing a lot of things together. Foxconn is really an amazing company," Huang said.

Addressing Energy Concerns
During the press conference, Huang dismissed concerns about potential electricity shortages due to the rise of AI, particularly in Taiwan. He stressed the importance of building AI infrastructure to support the growing demand. "Accelerated computing helps mitigate the risks of high energy consumption," Huang stated, pointing out that it leverages the decrease in marginal costs of training large language models (LLMs).

Reporters inquired about how NVIDIA plans to address these energy challenges while continuing to innovate in AI technology. Huang assured them that NVIDIA is committed to sustainable practices and efficient energy use. NVIDIA is always looking for ways to optimize energy consumption and make AI solutions more efficient, he explained.

The Future of AI in Taiwan
Huang's remarks underscored Taiwan's pivotal role in the future of AI technology. He praised the region's strong network of technology partners and its vibrant ecosystem of innovative companies. "This is the home of NVIDIA technology partners," Huang emphasized. "There are so many amazing companies here, and this is a great opportunity for Taiwan."

The press conference highlighted NVIDIA's strategic vision and its dedication to pushing the boundaries of AI technology. As the company continues to invest in AI computing, the future looks promising for both NVIDIA and its partners in Taiwan.

輝達執行長黃仁勳接受《TVBS看板人物》主持人方念華獨家專訪,完整節目6/16(日) 晚上八點鎖定TVBS 56頻道!

「2024台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)」,將於6月4日至6月7日在台北隆重舉行。展前,NVIDIA執行長黃仁勳也於6月2日晚間7點,在臺灣大學體育館進行主題演講。精彩內容在6月2日晚間7點至9點,透過TVBS 56頻道以及TVBS Asia頻道收看,並同步於TVBS NEWSTVBS World Taiwan YouTube頻道進行直播, 為更多人提供觀看的機會。TVBS 56頻道、TVBS NEWS的YouTube頻道也提供獨家中文口譯,讓觀眾不受地域限制,共同見證AI時代的到來。






更新時間:2024/06/04 19:53
