Taipei declares 2024 as ’Year of Traffic Safety’

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/05/23 16:06
Taipei declares 2024 as ‘Year of Traffic Safety‘ (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a significant move to enhance pedestrian safety, the Taipei City Government announced Thursday (May 23) that 2024 has been designated as the "Year of Traffic Safety, aiming to prioritize the safety of pedestrians across the city.

Deputy Taipei Mayor Lee Shu-chuan (李四川) and Department of Transportation Commissioner Hsieh Ming-hong (謝銘鴻) attended the press conference at which bus and taxi operators pledged to yield to pedestrians.


A Pledge for Safety

Deputy Mayor Lee emphasized the commitment of bus and taxi operators to always yield to pedestrians at crosswalks. However, he also highlighted the responsibility of pedestrians to cross quickly to ensure smooth traffic flow and safety for all.

Taipei City Bus Commercial Association Chairman Lee Po-wen (李博文) and Taipei City Commercial Taxi Union managing supervisor Liang Ping-liang (梁平良) echoed this sentiment, promising ongoing improvements in vehicle safety and pedestrian protection through education and advocacy.

A Call for Mutual Respect

Capital Bus General Manager Lee Chien-wen (李建文) raised concerns about pedestrians distracted by their phones or conversations while crossing the street, increasing the risk for drivers. He urged drivers and pedestrians to focus on their surroundings to enhance road safety.

This initiative marks a collaborative effort between the city government, public transportation operators, and citizens to create a safer pedestrian-friendly environment in Taipei.

The "Year of Traffic Safety" represents a comprehensive approach to reducing accidents and ensuring that Taipei's streets are safe for everyone. With the cooperation of all parties involved, the city looks forward to significantly improving traffic safety in the coming year.

更新時間:2024/05/23 17:01