MOFA calls for peace amid China’s military exercises

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/05/23 14:18
MOFA calls for peace amid China‘s military exercises (Courtesy of MOFA/Facebook)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Thursday (May 23) called on China to return to rationality and restraint, urging an end to actions that escalate tensions in the Taiwan Strait and the broader region.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China initiated military exercises named "Joint Sword-2024A" around Taiwan from May 23 to May 24, days after President Lai Cihng-te's inauguration.


Taiwan Responds to Military Drills

MOFA deputy spokesman Hsiao Kuang-wei (蕭光偉) emphasized that the timing of China's military drills aimed at Taiwan directly challenges the international consensus on the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

He further highlighted Taiwan's commitment to maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. This stance has garnered widespread international support.

Commitment to Democracy and Stability

MOFA said that despite facing coercion and suppression, Taiwan remains steadfast in its dedication to democratic principles. It declared that Taiwan would not alter its course due to external pressures. Instead, it plans to strengthen cooperation with like-minded partners to ensure the peace, stability, and freedom of the Taiwan Strait and the Indo-Pacific region.

更新時間:2024/05/23 14:18