Cross-strait relations focus of upcoming Straits Forum

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/05/13 17:40
Cross-strait relations focus of upcoming Straits Forum (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The 16th Straits Forum is set to take place on June 15, marking a significant event in cross-strait relations. 

Jointly organized by institutions from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the forum encompasses grassroots exchanges, youth interactions, cultural engagements, and economic discussions, aiming to foster closer ties between Taiwan and China.


Cross-Strait Exchanges Under Spotlight

The forum, recognized as the largest platform for civilian exchanges between the two sides, comes when cross-strait relations are under intense scrutiny. 

Last year, Wang Huning (王滬寧), a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, announced the support of the government and the State Council for Fujian to explore new paths for integrated development across the strait. 

Wang emphasized that the foundation of cross-strait relations lies within the people and that peaceful development is the correct path to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and promoting joint development.

Controversy and Anticipation

However, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government views the Straits Forum as a united front activity by the Communist Party of China aimed at Taiwan. This perspective adds a layer of controversy to the event, mainly as it would occur shortly after Lai Ching-te's inauguration. 

The participation of Taiwanese individuals in this year's forum is garnering significant attention, reflecting the broader geopolitical tensions and the local political landscape's impact on cross-strait relations.

更新時間:2024/05/13 17:40