Experts highlight the need for traffic safety measures

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/02/05 17:22

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan is intensifying its battle against traffic violations by ramping up the deployment of traffic enforcement cameras across the nation.

However, the rising numbers of speeding violations, as reported by the National Police Agency, indicate that this measure alone may not be sufficient.


The statistics, revealing a continual increase in violations since 2019, have prompted a thorough assessment of the current approach to traffic management and law enforcement.

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Traffic Cameras

According to Wang Ya-ting, a specialist from the Traffic Accident Section of the Taipei City Police Department, "Traffic enforcement cameras are set up at specific locations, mainly on roadways or at intersections prone to accidents." 

"After analyzing various factors, we determine the potential causes of accidents and conclude that there's a need to enhance law enforcement in those areas," she said.

This statement underscores the strategic placement of these cameras in accident-prone zones and highlights the necessity for a multifaceted approach to traffic safety.

The issue, however, extends beyond mere enforcement. Luo Shiaw-shyan, an associate professor at the Department of Transportation Management at Tamkang University, points out a significant gap in traffic safety education. 

The Role of Education and Urban Planning

"In our school education and beyond, lessons on traffic safety are significantly lacking. In fact, many people only become aware of traffic laws after receiving their first ticket or experiencing their first car accident. Therefore, we support strict enforcement," Luo stated.

This indicates a need for a more comprehensive approach that includes education and awareness as critical components of traffic safety.

In addition to enforcement and education, urban planning plays a crucial role in ensuring road safety.

Lin Wen-yen, chairman of the Department of Urban Planning and Disaster Management at Ming Chuan University, suggests, "Regarding design considerations, we can take measures like relocating structures, such as fences and buildings that cover corners, to prevent obstructing the view of pedestrians and turning vehicles."

This perspective emphasizes the importance of thoughtful urban design in preventing accidents and enhancing visibility for all road users.

The statistics, the expert opinions, and the ongoing challenges point toward a multifaceted problem that demands a comprehensive solution.

While traffic cameras serve as a tool for documenting and penalizing violations, the solution to road safety seems to lie in a combination of strict enforcement, informed urban planning, and, importantly, a societal shift towards greater awareness and adherence to traffic laws.

更新時間:2024/02/05 17:22
